Gardening and Homesteading in the Canthan Jade Spring
Relax, potter, and build in Jade Spring, a small Guild Wars 2 decorating and homesteading fan game. Tend your garden as a Xunlai jade bot, clearing weeds and pests, dispelling Dragonvoid blights, and furnishing your plot with architecture, flora, furniture, and ornaments from across Tyria!
Zen cleaning
Engage in mini-games to spruce up your garden, clearing out bugs, invasive plants, trash, and leftover strands of Dragonvoid. Collect Karma from each task to spend on permanent improvements to your gardening and decorating abilities!
Granular decoration
Personalise your space using robust tools which let you easily move, rotate, scale, snap, and clear items. Acquire enough Karma to unlock fancy decorations, as well as utilities which allow you to change the time of day, clear the map to start fresh, and fine-tune your environment to suit your creativity.
A guild wars 2 tribute
Jade Spring is an independent developer’s love letter to Cantha and to Guild Wars 2 in general, featuring hand-made art, models, animations, and music directly inspired by the worlds of Tyria, and filled with small tributes and references.
Make sure to check out Jade Spring’s April development notes, too! Thank you so much for your interest in the game.
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